Chapter One
In this chapter Allamah Busairi R.A. speaks of his love for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. He tries to conceal this love and who his beloved is . For this reason he has not mentioned the name of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, directly in the whole chapter. By mentioning places and things close to Madinah, he alludes to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Due to this excessive love and devotion for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, he has become completely restless, thus exposing this love to everyone.
Is it because of your remembrance of the neighbour
of Dhi-salam.
of Dhi-salam.
Dhi-salam is a place between Makkah and Madina, rather closer to Madinah. Allamah Busairi R.A. mentiond Dhi-salam as it reminds him of the hijrat of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. It is as though he remembers the beginning of Rasulullah Sallalahahu Alayhi Wasallam's Nubuwwat, and early life in Makkah as well as his hijrat to Madina.
That tears mixed with blood are flowing (from your eyes).
These tears are due to his excessive love for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. By referring to tears mixed with blood Allamah Busairi R.A. shows his great love for his beloved (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Or is it because of the breeze blowing from Kaazimah
Here he again questions and probes the reason for the
happenings mentioned in line 2. Kaazimah
is a village in Madinah and as the breeze from there reaches Allaamah Busairi,
his heart turns towards his beloved. Allamah Busairi R.A. has not as yet
mentioned who his beloved is, but by beginning with Makkah, then mentioning
Kaazimah which is a village on the outskirts of Madinah, he is alluding to the
resting place of his beloved.
Or it is the lightning struck in the darkness of the night, from the mount of Idam
Idam is a mountain in Madinah. As Allamah Busairi R.A. sees the
lightning he wonders if it is the same lightning that struck on Idam. Even the
lightning reminds his troubled heart of his beloved. After mentioning
Dhi-salam, Kaazimah and now the mount of Idam it becomes completely clear where
his beloved is and who his beloved is without directly mentioning the name.
Allamah Busairi R.A. is actually trying to keep the name of the beloved (Rasulullah Sallallalhu Alayhi Wasallam) a secret.
What has happened to your eyes, the more you tell
them to stop,the more theycontinue flowing
Due to Allamah Busairi being separated from his beloved, tears
continue flowing from his eyes. As every true lover knows the more one tries to
stop crying, the more thoughts of the beloved brings tears to the eyes.
What is the matter with your heart, the more you tell it to come to its senses, the more it is distracted by love
Here Allamah Busairi asks his ailing heart, why is it that when I
ask you to come under control, the more you long for the beloved and become
grieved by its separation.
Does the fervent lover think that his love can be concealed
Now Allamah Busairi shows the reason for his tears and the reason
why his heart is ailing.
While his eyes are shedding tears and his heart is glowing
Even though Allamah Busairi had tried to keep
his love a secret, his tears and troubled heart exposed his love to everyone.
Had it not been for the love, you would not have shed
tears at the ruins (of your beloved)
Allamah Busairi says, had it not been for love, such tears would
not have flowed from his eyes. Upon seeing something which reminds him of his
beloved, he uses the words 'ruins' (of your beloved). It is also these tears
which have exposed his secret love.
Nor would you become restless at the remembrance of the cypress (tree) and the high mountain
Love causes sleeplessness to Allamah Busairi at
the recollection of the cypress on a high mountain. This is so because the
cypress on a high mountain due to its sweet scent is used by Arab poets to
denote a beloved. The high mountain reminds Allamah Busairi of the mountains in
the place where his beloved lives.
How do you deny love after the testimony
Although Allamah Busairi tries to deny his love, yet there is
evidence which exposes his love.
Borne against you by (such) reliable witnesses as your tears and your illness
The evidence spoken about in the previous line
is in fact the tears and illness. They constitute such trustworthy witnesses
that no doubt can be placed of Allamah Busairi not being in love. Due to tears
and grief, misery and sleeplessness, he has become ill.
The effect of Allamah Busairi's love caused two
streaks to appear on his cheeks due to excessive tears and made his face become
feeble and withered.
On your cheeks like yellow rose and the reddish tree
Allamah Busairi's cheeks are compared to a yellow rose because he
has become pale and due to the excessive tears the lines caused on his cheeks
are compared to the reddish colour of a tree.
Yes! Thoughts of the beloved came to me at night and kept me awake
Allamah Busairi says that thoughts of his
beloved kept him awake at night. A point to note: Because the beloved is
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam many of his true lovers are blessed with
seeing his noble countenance in a dream.
And love transforms pleasure into pain
When a person is in love or in grief (due to
love), he no longer finds enjoyment in those things which he used to enjoy
before being separated from his beloved.
You who reproach me, regarding my love for one of the tribe of Uzrah, excuse me
Allamah Busairi’s close ones reproached him on
his love and tried to explain to him that he is harming himself and will become
seriously Ill, but Allamah Busairi asks to be excused because he is helpless
and cannot control the love in his heart.
From me to you if you do justice, you would not reproach me
Allamah Busairi says to his reproachers that you know I am
helpless in this love and if you were just, you would not reprimand me but
rather sympathize with me.
My state of love has been expressed to you, and now my secret is no longer concealed
Allamah Busairi admits to his love and is grief
stricken that it no longer remains a secret.
From those who malign (me), nor is there (something to) check my agony
This line continues from the previous one in that Allamah
Busairi's secret love is no longer hidden from those who are envious and malign
him. On the other hand, there is nothing to stop the pain of his love, nor does
he wish it to stop.
You have sincerely advised me, I did not heed it
Allamah Busairi refers to his reproachers as being people who
sincerely wished to help him but he remained heedless to their advice.
For verily a lover is deaf to his reproaching critics
Allamah Busairi explains why he did not heed his sincere advisers.
He admits that love overpowered him. He no longer has control over his
emotions. Love has made him deaf to everything else.
I regarded with suspicion the advice of the elders in reproaching me
Due to being lost in love Allamah Busalri regarded with distrust and dislike the sincere reproaching of the elders who had
the experience of love before.
(Wisdom) in the advice of the elders is above suspicion
Extreme love made
Allamah Busairi distrust the sincere reproachment of his elders, but now he
realises that the advice of the elders is full of wisdom and above doubt. Even
though he acknowledges reality of their wisdom, his overwhelming love leaves
him heedless to their advice.